Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Our Prairie in Fibre Exhibition

Included in the exhibition is a silk dress that I dyed with flowers and leaves from plants that provide beauty, nourishment and healing. These were gathered primarily from my garden and the person's who commissioned the dress. Eleven yards of silk were dyed with comfrey, peonies, crab apple leaves and hollyhocks. If you come across an old homestead, these plants will be probably still be growing.

The curator, Monika Kinner-Whalen sent participants this message: 

"My goal was to walk into a room full of prairie inspired art and pride in our homeland.  My secondary goal was to provide the wide array that fibre art has to offer. I was humbled to see an unexpected third theme emerge.  I overlooked the influence of the fact that all the pieces happen to be created by women.  There is an undeniable thread that runs through the collection - of woman's connection to her prairie.  (*As an artist, I am struggling to find the right words to describe how I feel about this show.)  Thank you so much for providing your stories.  They help to shed light on personal meanings that I feel enable the viewer to connect deeper to each piece, and ultimately to our beautiful prairie".

"I am happy to say that all seasons are represented, as well as the elements of fire, earth, air, water and spirit.  With nearly 40 pieces chosen, I think I have every major type of fibre art represented.  It is a very well rounded exhibition".

Here's an in situ photo of Cindy Hoppe's poncho.

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